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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Measuring Height of a Vertical Slope

Height is an important aspect of many landforms and cultural features

Possible uses: The height of cliffs, waterfalls, u-shaped valleys, drumlins and buildings can be measured to provide surveys of physical and cultural features
Equipment: Measuring tape, clinometer, recording sheet, pencil, graph paper,protractor, ruler
Technique – Height of a Vertical Slope Such as a Cliff
  • Stand in front of the cliff and measure the angle to the top of the cliff using the clinometer
  • If the angle is <45° move closer to the cliff until the angle = 45 °
  • If the initial angle measured is > 45° then move away from the cliff until the angle = 45 °
  • Measure the distance from where you are standing to the base of the cliff (A in the diagram)
  • Record this distance on the accompanying sheet
  • Measure the height of the person from eye level to the ground (B)
  • Record this distance in the appropriate place on the recording sheet
  • Add the two distances together
  • This measurement is equal to the height of the cliff



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