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Saturday, November 6, 2010

2010 in the field/Dunmore East beaches

1. The two beaches that are really one at low tide: Main strand and Counsellors

2. Main strand...note the rubber glove in the foreground
3. Noting the reasons why Main Strand did not get a Blue Flag.

4. The pipe is exposed to the left of beach at low tide

5. The information board provided by the County Council at Counsellors

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Write up tasks

1. Read and print out data from the Waterford County Council website for Woodstown, Woodstown stream, Tramore Pier, Tramore Carousel, Dunmore stream, Dunmore Main strand and Dunmore Counsellors strand. The link is here.

2. For the 2009 figures, click here to take you to the Splash website hosted by the EPA. Read the Irish Times article about the beaches which breached the guidelines.
The full report can be downloaded from the EPA with all the relevant results. May take a while!

3. Check out the Clean Seas website to find out how Woodstown beach got on.

4. The Harbour Survey from 2002 has the information to compare with your survey of Passage, Cheekpoint and Dunmore harbours. Note the vital details from this link on pages 59 to 61 of the pdf file.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Clean Seas Harbour report

For the results of the Clean Seas Harbour Survey check on this link. It is in pdf format and you need to check Appendix 1 which has the findings for the different harbours. Check Dunmore East, Passage East and Cheekpoint.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tramore waste management

Check out the video which explains the installation of the Tramore sewage system in 2006.

For a copy of the full report on Integrated Coastal Zone management at Tramore, check out the Waterford County Council website. Of particular use are the maps. Note that the report is in pdf format.

Download the beach Bye Laws here

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dunmore online

Check this one out...Dunmore East on here

For details on the birds, click here.

You can also check out which has a photo from the grid X6999.

In your Footsteps offers sailors (and others) some good pictures, charts and maps of Dunmore East.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Zonation diagrams

Splash Zone = Spray Zone

Google Map for Dunmore East

View Larger Map

Information on Dunmore East as part of the 7 village Sewerage scheme can be found here

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Water Quality

The best place to get your Water Quality details with full maps/aerial photos is
the new Bathing Water website from the Environmental Protection Agency called SPLASH.

Task: Go to Annual Quality and select Waterford County Council under Local Authority. Check out Tramore and the two Dunmore beaches. Copy and pastedetails into a word document.

Task: go to Background and select Compliance assessment. Copy and paste table into word document.

Another useful site is the Beach Awards website. You can complete the Beach User Survey from An Taisce after the trip. There are also lists of beaches which achieved the Blue Flag and the Green Flag.
Task: Find out which beaches achieved Blue Flag and Green Coast awards in County Waterford.